Award-Winning Book Editor
David Aretha
The First Book Editor Officially Endorsed by the
Independent Book Publishers Association
Contact me for a free sample edit and quote: daretha@live.com
I offer free publishing advice—the smartest way to publish your book.
Genre: Biographies
I have written many biographies, all for young readers, geared toward students of elementary school, middle school, high school, and even college. My book The Murder of Emmett Till was assigned reading for journalism students at New York University. Some of my biographies have won awards, as noted on my Author page.
I pass my knowledge of writing biographies to the authors. I strive to make sure that the story stays focused, tight, and aligned to theme. For biographies, I typically provide copyediting and content editing in one combined read, keeping the fee low.
“This book is written in a very adventurous manner. It is packed with detail and organized in a way to keep readers involved.”
—Denver Public Schools on my book Magellan